PRESENTING WITH PASSION is a way to become a truly engaging and compelling speaker. With PRESENTING WITH PASSION, you can learn to harness your own unique personality and style to become someone that audiences just can’t take their eyes off. It will help you discover and release your own “inner presenter”, the you who can speak publicly in a way that feels entirely natural.
I truly believe that most of us are already perfectly good communicators. With family, with friends – when relaxed and under no pressure – we can chat, answer questions, pass on information or tell stories effortlessly. But when we think about standing up to present, something changes and we stop performing at anywhere near our best.
PRESENTING WITH PASSION helps to overcome those blocks to becoming a truly absorbing and passionate speaker.
Who can Benefit?
Communicating well is the single most valuable skill you will ever need.
Try and think of a single job which in part or whole won’t involve communicating ideas, concepts or feelings to someone else.
Then ask yourself this question – do I ever have to:-
• run a meeting
• launch a product or idea
• make a pitch to potential clients
• present a proposal
• report back an event
• cascade a change
• break difficult news
• gain buy-in from colleagues or reports
• rally the troops
• announce a guest speaker
• speak at meetings, conferences, awaydays, thinktanks, working parties, social events or any other occasion?
Then you can benefit from PRESENTING WITH PASSION.
PRESENTING WITH PASSION is entirely experiential. You cannot learn to walk a tightrope by reading about it in a book, or watching a PowerPoint presentation. Public speaking is the same – you can only learn by doing.
PRESENTING WITH PASSION is available as in-house training or one-to-one coaching.
It can be adapted to fit any situation, or carefully tailored to meet your needs as a speaker-
Level 1 – Fear of Flying
For those with a dread of speaking in public – if you suffer from sweaty palms, palpitations, night dreads, or a horror of speaking to any audience, this is the day for you. What you are feeling is neither unusual nor uncommon. You will amaze yourself with how far you have moved towards being able to stand up and speak with ease and confidence. Max group size – 10.
Level 2 – Launch Pad
To give you a solid foundation in presenting with clarity, focus and passion. You will learn how to create lively and engaging presentations, and practice how to deliver them confidently in an engaging and powerful way. Max group size – 10.
Level 3 -High Flyers
If you already give speeches and presentations on a regular basis, this is for you. This will build on the skills and confidence you already have, and move you towards creating and delivering powerful speeches and presentations that will move, touch and inspire your audience. Max group size – 10.
PRESENTING WITH PASSION is not just a training course, it’s also an approach, a method, a toolkit.
It emphasises the Three Levels of Communication:
- What do I want my audience to <strong>KNOW</strong>?
- What do I want my audience to <strong>DO</strong>?
- What do I want my audience to <strong>FEEL</strong>?
You may well ask
Why is this so important?
You may also wonder
What will you teach me on a Presenting with Passion course?
What won’t you teach me on a Presenting with Passion course?
Call me and discuss your requirements.
- that we are all naturally good communicators
- that we all already know how to package and present information
- that in non-stress situations with friends and family we are more than capable of engaging listeners and holding their attention –
- but that these well-developed skills are distorted and suppressed by the stress of standing in front of a group for a formal presentation
- that this stress and anxiety is a state that is generated internally, by our reaction to the perceived “threat” of an audience. It causes us to lose our natural presence and self
- that this response is in fact independent of the audience and the material we have to deliver. However, it is very much influenced by our perception and our framing of the audience and the material we have to deliver
- that the best way to improve performance in presentation is to discover how those stresses manifest to block our natural style, and to find ways for releasing ourselves from those blocks
- that it is entirely possible to transform the energy of anxiety into a more productive energy that feeds into engagement with the audience
- that if a presenter focuses all their energy into engaging with their audience, and taking them on an emotional journey, all other aspects of the presentation (voice, eyes, posture, projection, etc.) take perfect care of themselves.
Call me and discuss your requirements.